Evolution requires Isolation

Evolution requires isolation.

Long hard bouts of isolation.

There are days where I wish to just sit in this little corner 

With the owner who speaks no English.

And drink my 1 euro wines and pour my heart into my keyboard.

My nervous system prays

That I am covered up enough

Hidden enough

So that no one speaks to me 

So I can create

And mould 

And shape

And paint my life as it’s own masterpiece without commitment

Some will never understand what it takes to translate trauma into growth

To shed the skin of what you once were and step into who you are becoming

To delve into these self indulgent scribbles of gibberish 

Trying to make sense of myself

and turn them into something that makes sense to everyone

One unwanted tap on the shoulder

One passing comment of a male 


But you sit

And you force a smile

And you laugh when you’re meant to

And frown when you’re not

How long can you keep it up?

Then there are days where

I sit to write and nothing comes out

And I pray

One sentence

One tap on the shoulder will change everything

That one smile from a stranger

One conversation

Will catapult me into a different world

That being immersed in someone else’s story

Will help me to rewrite mine

The days

When I sit and listen to the centuries of pain

The ways in which someone who has walked a different path to mine has come to the same conclusion.

Has come to sit drinking 1€ wines next to me.

I ask them of their biggest challenges

What they do for fun?

I watch their eyes light up…

One of the biggest perils in life…

That leaves us horn to horn…

That keeps us talking over the top of each other…

Like we are merely animals in a cage…

Is one simple sentence…

Everyone has a tremendous story…

We are all overcoming something that killed us

Yet re-birthed us

We are all striving for joy…

And my joy?

It’s this.

I sit here

And I listen to you

And I reinvent myself

Inside myself

Over and Over.

And the owner

Who speaks no English

Knows when I have a good writing day

He sends me away with a smile on my face

And a light in my heart

And on the days

My frequency feels stolen

He sends me away

Without giving me the cheque

And whispers in Portuguese 

‘It’s on the house. See you tomorrow.’

And I huff

And I puff

And I open up my laptop

And pray today

I am either left alone

Or I am loved. 

Today, as I write this.

I go to pay the cheque

And the man and wife I had a brief heart opening encounter with last Tuesday

Had come and gone, without me noticing

He told the owner…

’She’s having a good writing day. Tell her it’s on us.’


Back Once Again


Alone Is my Grand Holiday