Back Once Again

It’s been a while since I wrote a newsletter.

In the fast-paced ADHD instant gratification, our poor little nervous systems live in, with every coach, healer, writer blah blah blah who reads newsletters anymore? Me. I do!

And if you’re reading this right now, I have so much deep gratitude for you being in my space.

I built a whole business on my story, my pain and my authenticity, truth and honesty are the core pillars of everything I do.

So allow me to be really fucking vulnerable with you.

My oh my has my life been turned upside down, inside out, chewed up, spat out, cut into tiny pieces and put back together as this version of myself.

Katie Valentine, IOS update 11.1

Last year, my ride or die, my best friend, the safest human I could possibly ever have the honour of having in my field, committed suicide right under my nose.

It didn’t happen overnight, no, he killed himself slowly and intentionally, and ME, the ‘mindset coach, the healer’ didn’t save him.

Had no idea of the inner turmoil he was facing. He laughed the loudest and now he is gone.

After that, life didn’t really make sense. I threw myself into my new monogamous relationship, simultaneously letting go of a life of various lovers, wicked adventures, newness and inconsistency, sleepless nights, helicopters and bougie hotels,

Mykonos one day, St Tropez another.

My nervous system didn’t know what the hell to do with itself.

A world without my best friend? A safe and consistent relationship where my nervous system felt regulated but meant I would have to have sex with one person for the rest of my life?

I had my IUD ripped out, my feminine and libido ripped from the most sacred parts of me, my apartment robbed, female friendship betrayals, and my world came crashing down on me so hard my heels started to melt into the floor.

I went on a downward spiral, a downward spiral that shaped me into the woman who just this morning jumped out of bed screaming ‘IM SO FUCKING HAPPY I GET TO BE KATIE VALENTINE TODAY’

Who looked in the mirror and said ‘you courageous little fucker, I love you!’

A girl who knows that she can manifest anything her beautiful little heart desires.

I knew on the other side of this laid my deepest manifestations, that is why I gritted my teeth and kept going.

I went to war with myself, guns blazing.

Manifestations that required me to level up my nervous system before I could ever hold something so big, so out of this world.

I emerged from the other side of deep dark twisted scary shadow work.

Work that dizzled
And dazzled
And broke
And rebuilt me
As Katie IOS 11.1


There is nothing wrong with the ‘bigness’ of your desires
If they are authentically what you want then know that they are right
Ask for them ruthlessly and without abandon

It is just as easy for the universe to create a partner seeking an unconventional relationship like mine and your dream home (in my case on the same street as my old home because I loved the location so much but after doing so much work around abundance my nervous system had outgrown my old apartment) as it is to find a coin on the street

It is only our limited human minds that get in the way.

I’m not writing this newsletter to promote or sell anything.

Fuck that.

The universe is my sugar daddy, my authenticity my marketing manager.

I’m not proofreading or editing this email

I just came on here to remind you of the fuck yes, tapped in, turned on life that awaits you on the other side of your pain

You can’t go under it

You can’t go over it

You have to go THROUGH IT.

And I’m here every fucking step of the way



Evolution requires Isolation